10 Best Writing Podcasts for 2022

Updated: Feb 3

Podcasts have become more popular than ever. According to Podcast Insights, 51% of Americans listened to podcasts in 2019.

I was slow to the podcast movement but once I started, I was hooked, mainly because I was able to multitask (every mother’s secret weapon no matter what the productivity gurus tell you.) Whether I was doing the school run, cooking, watching a swimming lesson, or exercising, I was plugged in.

My only challenge? There were so many to choose from. However, I’ve landed on a few favourites so I thought I would share them with you, covering everything from writing tips and author interviews, to marketing your book and grammar tips.

Whether you’re looking for inspiration or already writing your first book, here are 10 of the best writing podcasts to listen to in 2022.

1. The Writer Files

Ideal for: writers looking for expertise from established greats

Kelton Reid studies the habits, habitats, and brains of a wide spectrum of renowned writers to learn their secrets of productivity and creativity. The podcasts includes interviews with notable guests such as bestselling authors John Scalzi (Old Mans War), Greg Iles (Natchez Burning), Jay McInerney (Bright Lights, Big City), Kevin Kelly (founder of WIRED magazine), and Emma Donoghue (Oscar Nominee for Room).

2. Writing Excuses

Ideal for: writers looking for a weekly burst of inspiration

Brandon Sanderson, Mary Robinette Kowal, Howard Tayler, and Daniel Wells discuss writing techniques in a fast-paced, 15-minute format as well as topics such as managing your writing career and self publishing.

3. The Creative Penn

Ideal for: career writers

Information, inspiration and interviews on writing, self-publishing, book marketing and making a living with your writing. Every Monday, Joanna Penn and her guests share how to navigate the new world of publishing and book marketing as well as information on the business of being a writer and how to make money with your books.

4. The Creative Writer's Toolbelt

Ideal for: creative writers

The Creative Writer’s Toolbelt gives practical, accessible advice and encouragement to creative writers. Each episode explores an aspect of a creative writing technique, with examples, allowing you to apply what you learn immediately to your writing. There is also the occasional interview with writers and other artists, exploring their wisdom on subjects like story, style, character and the writing process.

5. The Honest Author’s Podcast

Ideal for: aspiring and established novelists

Bestselling authors Gillian McAllister and Holly Seddon discuss the truth about being an author, plus expert insider interviews. This podcast is not as regular as others but there are some big-name interviews which make for fascinating listening.

6. Confessions of a Debut Novelist

Ideal for: new writers

Hosted by author Chloe Timms, you’ll hear about new and up-and-coming writers and their debut novel. It’s about writing journeys, tips and advice, and what it's like to be new to the world of publishing. Each episode features a writer about to have their debut novel published, covering adult, YA and children's in a range of genres. They share their rejections and setbacks, how they signed with their agent and whether their book deal was with an indie publisher or one of the big houses.

7. Writer’s Routine

Ideal for: all writers

In every episode we look inside the daily diary of a writer, to peek at the secrets of their success. How do they plan their day and maximise their creativity, in order to plot and publish a bestseller? Some are frantic night-owls, others roll out of bed into their desks, and a few lock themselves away for days in the woods - but none have a regular 9 to 5, and we'll find out how they've managed it.

8. Grammar Girl - Quick & Dirty Tips For Better Writing

Ideal for: all writers

Five-time winner of Best Education Podcast in the Podcast Awards. Grammar Girl provides short, friendly tips to improve your writing and feed your love of the English language. Whether English is your first language or your second language, these grammar, punctuation, style, and business tips will make you a better and more successful writer.

9. Book Marketing Simplified

Ideal for: published authors

Many authors feel overwhelmed as they try to market their books and manage their social media, blog, email newsletter, and all the pieces that are necessary for an effective online presence. Effective marketing is not complicated, and it doesn’t have to be time-consuming. Jenn and Marcus dePaula, co-founders of Mixtus Media, break down their marketing strategies and processes that they use to help their clients reach millions of people online into short topical discussions, which any author can follow to start building their unique audience immediately. Listening to this podcast will save you time with marketing so you can spend more time writing.

10. Wish I’d Known Then…For Writers

Ideal for: Indie authors

Join authors Jami Albright and Sara Rosett as they interview self published authors about how they found success as well as what they've learned from their missteps. Being an indie author is about being innovative and creative and learning from your mistakes and the podcast offers fascinating interviews into an indie author’s journey to publication and beyond.

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