5 Books To Help You Write – Author Approved!

Updated: Feb 3

The festive season is well and truly upon us and if you’re anything like me, there’s nothing better than giving and receiving books. This year, why not ask Santa for a little writing inspiration and get these incredible books, recommended by some of my favourite authors, on your wish list.

1. The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

This was recommended to me by author Rachael Lynn who wrote At Home Anywhere and for good reason. It’s inspired the likes of Elizabeth Gilbert and Tim Ferris and millions of others to embark on a creative journey for a deeper connection to process and purpose.

2. Still Writing: The Perils and Pleasures of a Creative Life by Dani Shapiro

This is a book that inspired Dubai-based author Avni Doshi when writing Burnt Sugar which was short-listed for this year’s Booker Prize. At once a memoir, a meditation on the artistic process, and advice on the craft, Still Writing is an intimate companion to living a creative life.

3. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King

Recommended by Daniela Tully, author of Hotel on Shadow Lake, Stephen King’s part biography, part writing advice is essential reading for any writer and has a permanent place on my bookshelf. In fact, I dip into it regularly and it’s one of the few books I have read multiple times.

4. From Where You Dream by Robert Olen Butler

A comprehensive guide to writing creative fiction, this book helped author Padmini Sankar write her novel The Mother Of All Parties. Butler, a Pulitzer Prize winner, reimagines the process of writing as emotional rather than intellectual, and tells writers how to achieve the dream space necessary for composing honest, inspired fiction.

5. Story Genius by Lisa Cron

I discovered this little gem on Instagram and it was invaluable in helping me write The Perfect Lie. Written by story coach Lisa Cron, she offers an alternative to either pantsing (winging it) or plotting, based on the science behind what our brains are wired to crave in every story we read.


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